How to Figure Out Your Product’s Aha Moment! ??

Udit Tandon
5 min readMay 1, 2021


What is the aha moment?

The aha moment is a moment of sudden insight or discovery. it’s the pivotal moment when a new user first realizes the value of your product and why they need it.

Aha Moment Examples


Facebook’s Aha moment is great because it pushes for an early product adoption

what is product adoption?

Product adoption is the process where an individual learns of a new product and becomes a user of it, learning what it does, how it does….


  • A user follows 30 users with at least 1/3 of the following back.

Twitter’s Aha moment is great as well, but their user onboarding

What is user onboarding?

User onboarding is the crucial process that starts from the first login of a new user and ends up in their aha moment, and usually beyond…. lacks the push to the Aha moment.


  • A shop owner makes a profit with a better price offer.

Prisync’s Aha moment is great because they push the user to achieve value with the product.


  • A team sends 2000 messages in a workspace.

Slack’s Aha moment is great because by the time the team reaches to 2000 messages, they’ve adopted the product.


  • A user saves 1 file in a folder on 1 device.

This is a rather quick Aha moment that requires less effort than most, but since it works, it’s also effective.


  • A user moves a card from 1 stack to another.

This is a quick and a great Aha moment because Trello uses its own product to push users to this stage.

How to identify your aha moment

Now it’s time to get into the good stuff — identifying your aha moment.

There are three stages you must go through that will help you identify a clear aha moment.

The order of these stages is important, so try not to skip any steps!

Step 1: Talk to actual users

To understand the true aha moment of your product, you need to talk to your customers. Start with the badass users.

They want badass results

users are people who become amazing at whatever it is that your product enables them to do. They are pros at it. Hence, they’re ‘badass users.’

People who became successful using your app or service probably did something differently from those who churned out early — if you can figure out what and why, you can start to reverse-engineer that path for your other users

Look at their answers closely. This will help reveal what a successful user experience with your product looks like, bringing you closer to identifying the aha moment.

Now it’s time to talk to churned users.

Ugh, the worst part of the process for sure, and yet, you can learn a lot from your churned customers.

First, you need to understand why people churn. Usually, it’s because there is a value gap in the product. In other words, the user did not receive the value they expected from the product.

There are many reasons why a value gap exists. For example, the product may have failed to provide adequate value. Or, perhaps the customer is simply not a good fit for the product, which happens more than you might think.

Some other reasons that could explain why there is a value gap could be due to the customer not understanding the product’s capabilities or how to use it. The problem can also be a negative mental or emotive response to the product. The customer may have experienced confusion or dissatisfaction that changed their perception while using the product.

People also churn because of friction. Before you jump to conclusions, remember that friction can actually be a good thing. Most of the time, friction is something that can be controlled or fixed.

To help identify your product’s aha moment, you must get in touch with your churned users.

You must prepare for some not-so-good feedback. That’s to be expected and instead of letting it get you down, think about how you can use it to improve the user experience further now that you know why churned users decided to leave.

Step 2: User Testing

If you aren’t able to find a clear Aha Moment from asking current customers, you can review how prospects behave when they sign-up for your product and go through the onboarding flow.

Analyzing how people use your product is vital in discerning the aha moment. This will help you understand what people are doing within the product, how they engage with it, and hopefully, what value they get from the product that makes them want to keep using it.

Methods to Implement AHA MOMENT!

— Personalize the Journey

You need to personalize their journeys, instead of aiming for all of them to go through the same one. The better you personalize them, the more users you’ll help reach their aha moments.

— Teach them with Tooltips

Create Videos or Infographics During their Login Journey and Nudge them with the tooltips about your product USP

— Try aha-first onboarding

Bring your aha moment front and center. Give users the capability to try out part of your platform before hitting them with any friction, such as a signup page or in-app tutorial.

— Using Consistent Aha! Moments to Drive Adoption

Putting all of this together to identify your product’s aha moment will help you to better understand your product, how users engage with it, and the key factor that keeps them coming back for more!

That’s all I wanted to discuss today on aha moment, I welcome your suggestions, questions, and feedback.

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Udit Tandon

A Growth Marketer Aficionado, with storytelling and data crunching abilities…Currently leading Marketing for fleetx